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Sopa de tomate fumada com grão-de-bico

KitchenAid Chef

Import-Recipe - Smokey Tomato Soup with Chickpeas

Sopa de tomate fumada com grão-de-bico

KitchenAid Chef




960 ml caldo de legumes

88 g tomates secos bem comprimidos (embalados em saco ou em óleo; retire o excesso de gordura)

20 g cebolinha picada (partes brancas e verdes)

2 tâmaras médias, descaroçadas

1 dente de alho médio (1 colher de chá, picado)

1 c. de chá sal grosso, adicionar mais a gosto

1/4 c. de chá paprica fumada

1/8 c. de chá flocos de malagueta

300 g tomates frescos, em quartos

1 c. de sopa sumo de limão fresco, para servir

425 g grão-de-bico cozido, em lata, enxaguado e escorrido

70 g salsa de folha plana picada finamente, mais para servir

Passo a passo

  1. Pour the broth, sun-dried tomatoes, green onion, pitted dates, garlic, salt, smoked paprika, and red pepper flakes into the jar of your KitchenAid® Power Plus® Blender.

  2. Secure the lid, and set the blender to the Adapti-Blend™ Soup program.

  3. Blend until the machine turns itself off.

  4. Alternatively, blend for about 5 minutes, starting on speed 1 and gradually increasing to speed 10.

  5. Add the fresh tomatoes, and lemon juice, secure the lid, and process on variable speed 3 for 3 to 5 seconds until the tomatoes are just broken up.

  6. Add the chickpeas and parsley, and allow the soup to sit with the lid on for about 1 minute in order to warm up the beans.

  7. The soup will come out of the blender hot.

  8. Ladle into bowls, and enjoy immediately, topped with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

  9. For demo purposes, it would be better to pour the soup into a pot, and ladle it from there into small cups in order to get an equal distribution of the liquid and the chickpeas etc.

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